Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tag 3

I've been tagged! by Holly, thanks. (my first time ever) I almost didn't recognize it since I haven't been Marie F. for very long (only 2 years, ha ha)

I'm supposed to name 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random/surprising facts about myself, then tag 3 people. Here goes:

3 Joys

  1. The gospel of Jesus Christ. In the scriptures the word joy is used mostly in connection with Christ. I think it's important to remember that true joy comes through Christ, and that anything in our life that brings us joy is given to us by Him. I especially like 1 Corinthians 15:22 "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive,"compared with 2 Nephi 2:25, "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy." To me that says even so in Christ all might have joy. And yes, this is me waxing philosophical.

  2. My husband, JP. I feel like I'm more in love with him than ever before. This may seem cheesy or cliche, but it's definitely true. He is a joy in my life.

  3. Music, especially classical music. Listening to music, playing music (I play the viola), all of it. I'm missing it a little right now because of the symphony break, and my students not showing up. I love music, and I'm grateful for all of the people that taught me that love, including my music teachers. But especially Holly who taught me how to listen to music, and not just play it.
3 Fears

I have worked hard to overcome fears in my life, including heights, and being in front of people. The ones I'm currently working on are water/fish and spiders, so I guess technically I'm still afraid of them some, but I've come a long way. We now have a fish named Haiku, and I've been swimming 8 or so times this summer, and I've killed a handful of spiders in my house (big progress.) So things I'm still afraid of:

  1. Snakes, we saw one on a hike in Yellowstone this year. It was afraid and got away fast, but I still didn't like it. And I didn't like walking past them in the pet store yesterday either.

  2. Not getting enough done/procrastinating. I think that's what puts me on edge and makes me high strung. The interesting thing is, it's still not enough to keep me motivated for a whole 8 hour period. *sigh* So it sort of ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy.

  3. Failure... not being good enough at something, whether that's teaching violin or being a wife or mother. I've had a lot of successes in my life, but I haven't really learned to deal with failure. And I don't even have a good definition of what failure is to me, which is why it continues to be a looming fear, instead of one I can conquer.
3 Goals
  1. Suzuki teaching; I want to build my violin/viola studio, and I want to improve my teaching skills.

  2. The "Scrapbook Pile:" we have a huge pile in our bedroom of all the stuff we've both collected over the years. There's photos, certificates, memorabilia, souvenirs.... everything. It needs to be gone through, de-junked, and made functional. Included with that goal is putting together something about our wedding, a small scrapbook, or wall hanging that I can feel happy with so I can feel like it's documented and I can move on. Also, the family history stuff we've been collecting and we want to work on more keeps migrating to that pile.

  3. Health; I want to get more in shape through yoga and running. I did really well last month, with water aerobics, and even ran with the high school cross country team one day, and then we went to Yellowstone, came back, and all of the sudden I quit. So hopefully I can jump back in here soon.

3 Current Obsessions/Collections

This is a good one for me because I live my life obsession to obsession. I read about them, and research them, and talk to everyone about them, and then I move on to another one, having sponged up everything I can. I guess the overarching obsession of all of these is reading. So these are my three most recent.

  1. Birthing. I have two friends that got me started on this. One friend had 2 home births, and the other friend is planning a home birth. I'm not sure that I would want a home birth, but my mom had a midwife for her last few births, and I think that's the way that I would like to go. Luckily I don't have to decide anything right now, and I have a lot of time to keep reading and researching. But if anyone has suggestions on great midwives in the Salt Lake area, let me know.

  2. Homeschool. I've been researching homeschool because I know I'm going to homeschool my children, at least for the elementary school years. JP and his siblings were homeschooled, and my parents are teaching my siblings at home now.

  3. Sign Language. I've always loved ASL, and as I learned about signing with children as a second language and pre-speech communication tool I've loved it. In my research ran across Signing Time! and think it's really fun. I also studied deafness, and deaf culture somewhat. I learned a lot, and then got a job working with a boy who is deaf last year.

3 Random/Surprising Facts About Myself

  1. I love books, especially childrens books, and poetry.

  2. I play the string bass (only classical.)

  3. I have two metal rods in my back for scoliosis.

3People to Tag

  1. J.P.

  2. Mom

  3. Brit

1 comment:

Chelise said...

I think you'd be wonderful at sign language. You could make it an extension of your music :)... expression is expression!